
Monday, 10 March 2025

Litti chokha in Pressure Cooker |


Litti chokha

Perfect, see this, completely crispy and roasted from insideand when youeat Litti with Chokha like this, then everyone will gocrazy about the taste, today I have brought for you thepride of Bihar, UP and everyone's first love,Litti Chokha, absolutely at home. In this wewill make Litti Chowkha like village taste, in a very easyway, we will not take any tandoor, no furnaceetc., no use of fire, like it ismade on fire in the traditional way,exactly the same texture will be obtained. Feel and the sametaste, this is the trick I am telling you, I willtell you two ways to make Litti,make it as per your wish, Hello friends, I amParul, you are very welcome to Cook with Parul, tomake very tasty Litti Chokha just like the village taste.First of all, we will make Litti flour, sofor that I am taking two cups of wheatflour. Okay, here remember, to make Litti,you have to take only wheat flour, donot use all-purpose flour at all, onlyflour is enough. 

Litti chokha

Litti is also made deliciousand its taste comes out andthis is where we will addsalt as per taste, about half a teaspoon and only half ateaspoon of celery. Soput the celery on your hand and crush it like this. Theflavor is complete and will emerge. Now thesecond thing that will be required here tomake the Litti crispy isMoin i.e. Ghee. So see here, it is abigger spoon than this spoon.Justadd two tablespoons of Ghee. If you want, youcan also add oil. First, we will mix all the things well, whilemashing them in such a waythat the ghee gets thoroughly coated with the flour everywhere. There is alittle variation in different houses in Bihar and UP. If it is therethen many people also add nigella seeds here.Many people also keep the flour plain,so as you like, if you donot want to add celery and nigella seeds then do notadd them. 

Litti chokha

Now here the flour you have tomake for Litti is a hard flour. If you want to make it, thenadd water little by little andmix the flour in this way to make a hard dough.By adding hard flour, the shape of littiremains intact when you bake them.If you make soft dough then what will happen, won'tit slowly- When slowly put in the fire, they willbecome flat. If the dough remains hard, then the Litti willremain in perfect shape after being cooked,just like they make in the village,in the desi style.My in-laws have avery special recipe, my husband. Litti Chokhais a big favorite of ours and keeps on making it, sotoday I will share with you the tipsand tricks which I will tell you further. You willget the same taste in this Litti Chokha which is made in the local way by roasting it on fire oron coal etc. It means it ismade on the furnace, take the dough is absolutelyperfect, I have applied hard dough, I amtelling you again, don't forget and justcover it and keep it for 10 minutes, it will give rest, let's do itquickly.

Litti chokha

 Rest all the work nowmakes the life and glory of Litti. Thefilling of Sattu is the most healthy and tasty. Sotake one at a time. Here I am takingtwo cups of Sattu. Look, this is the kind of Sattuwhich is made from roasted gram. It has alot of iron, protein, mineral fiber, isvery healthy, Sattu is veryeasy, nowadays it is available everywhere, youcan even purchase it online and even if you don't get it, don't worry, these are the ones which are roasted. There are gram seeds, don't you see, these are the ones that we eat, justremove the peel from it and put this gramin a mixer and grind it and filter it once.You can also make Sattu at home in this way.Now the traditional things in Sattu are here. HereI have taken a big sized onion,which I have chopped, chop it finely,here I have taken a 1/2 inchpiece of ginger, chopped it also, along withtwo Finely chop three green chillies as per your tasteand finely chop five-six cloves of garlicand also finely chop a lot of greencoriander. All these things will go in the filling.Now we will add it as per taste.

Litti chokha

Add half teaspoon salt and black pepper powder.Also add one teaspoon chaatmasala here. It looks very good. Iwill definitely add it. It tastes very good. Also add1/4 teaspoon celery.Crush it like this and add 1 We will add quarter teaspoon ofMangrela which we also call Kalonji.Now the most important thing whichgoes with the filling of Litti i.e. Sattu is thepickle masala. So see this, I have taken this picklemasala, any pickle which you have in your house.Pickle of red chilli, pickle of green chilli,mango pickle,take out some spice of any of them along with tastes very goodin this fruiting, understand that thisis the life of the taste, now the nextthing that will go in it is Two tablespoons ofmustard oil is definitely added. Thetaste of the filling comes out very good.If you do not like itthen you can skip it butit is definitely added in the authentic recipe. This gives thetaste the same. If it is then it would be best tomix all the things first and thenjust apply as much water as required. Donot make it into a paste, do notdilute it, justmix it well until it becomes a good consistency andadd a little water. 

Litti chokha

Of Look, mix it like this,now tie your fist like this and see if it remainsclosed, that is, this is the perfect consistency ofour Sattu filling, anddo a little test like this, it isvery important for the sour salt to be perfect in this. It is only in the filling that thefun of eating Litti is enjoyed, so ourstuffing is also ready, let's quickly make avery tasty and interesting Chokha to be eaten with Litti. Let me tellyou today. Let me tell you how to make my home made desi style bharta so that it gets thesmoky flavor and we donot need anything like coal, so tomake chokha, here I have takena brinjal which is a big brinjal.We will just take these and hereI have taken two big sized tomatoes andhere I am taking two to four greenchillies, you can increase or decrease as per your tasteand.

Litti chokha

 I have taken six to seven cloves of garlicand these i potato tomato I am making brinjal chokhawhich is very famous in UP and Bihar,so I have taken three boiled potatoes,you can make it without potatoes also,chokha tastes good with potatoes, so I amadding that also because in my house. Husbandlikes it very much, so here I havewashed the brinjal thoroughly, washed it andwiped it well, so first of all look at the brinjal here,make a cut with the knife like this, donot cut it completely, cut the brinjal like this.As such By doing this, you will beable to open it a little and see if there are any insects etc. in it.Thebrinjal is not getting spoiled.Look, like this, I am making two cuts, onelong cut here and one on this side. Now we havetaken garlic cloves. So see,pick up the clove like this and stick it in this gap like this, what doesour mother do, that is,my mother-in-law, garlic is stuck like this and on the otherside, green chillies are stuck like thisand then it is roasted properly.Garlic And the green chillies also get cooked along with itand the brinjal also gets cooked very well from insideand the smokyflavor which is very good willcome in the garlic also and everything will come in the green chillies tooin less time. They will get cooked simultaneously.

Litti chokha

Now take some oil and apply the oil on thebrinjal and onboth the tomatoes. What will happen by doing this isthat when you cook it and thenremove the peel very easily. It will come off,now you take this kind of wire meshon which we cook papad etc., if it is just likethis, then take this. Even if itis not there, then also take a quick jugaad, take aniron pan with roti, on top of that, you can also use this.Cut the brinjal into two parts,cut the tomatoes into two parts androast everything on the pan, you can do it anyway,but when cooked like this on fire, it will not givethat authentic desi taste. Chokha willcome which you eat in the market orin the village in Bihar etc. It means our work will be donewithout tandoor, oven and furnace, sojust like this, we willput the brinjal and tomato here on low flame, then it will beabsolutely good on low flame. Flipping the brinjal upside down, wewill fry the brinjal properly from all the sides so that thebrinjal gets roasted well andeverything gets cooked properly. If you want, then if you have aoven or air fryer in your house, then you can cook itat 200 degrees. Keep it aside for about 15 minutes,then anyway you can cook it, so see, keepturning it from time to time andin some time, it will be roasted perfectlyand see here, the brinjal and tomatoesare almost roasted, so just add something at this stage. I am keepingthese boiled potatoes that I have takenhere on the fire for some time. 

Litti chokha

They are alreadyboiled and will not take much time. Besides, there will bea smokey flavorin the potatoes too, so when Chokha is made, it will be very tasty.I am from UP, my husbandis from Bihar, so I amtelling you the perfect combination and look at the potatoes too,you can see that they have come from the spot when they arecooked, then just turn off the gasand put them all on a plate. Take it out andlet it cool down a bit so that wecan touch it and remove the peel that you see on top of it.Well, I amshowing it to you because I had applied oil, sosee, the peel is easily coming off, so let itcool down a bit. Let's see that all the things havecooled down completely and look at the brinjal.Just slowly remove the peel and thework will be done quickly. And the greenchillies and garlic that we had put inside is alsocooked very well and fragrant, so all thethings are ready. Look at this, you can mash it completely with a fork or with a knife like this, you willnot make too much paste, you will crush it by hand,now some interestingthings will go in, so I am adding here anonion which will be finely chopped. 

Litti chokha

I have taken onionin the same way, I add it raw, I amadding a little ginger, I am adding finely chopped two to three greenchillies, that is, add as per taste, if it isfinely chopped, I am adding it only a little, I am going toadd chopped garlic and a lot of green coriander to taste. Add salt as per requirement andhere one big spoon ofmustard oil will give a very nice flavour.In this desi bharta, you will mix everything well. It tastesamazing.If you have never tried Litti Choka before today. If you havenot made it then trymaking it like this using my recipe,you will like it very much. You will just make theLitti quickly, then you will knead the dough once more.See,like this, now you will break balls out of it. You willbreak medium sized balls a lot. Not very big.

Litti chokha

If you have ever seen that Littiis made in a round shape like a bati inRajasthan, just understand it in the same way.Just take a ball, put it on your hand,turn it round like this and make it a little smooth.Do it, even if there are a few cracks, there isno problem, they look good, itcan be better than that, now we will press lightly till insideand make it like a bowl,see like this by placing all the four fingers behind and thethumb in the middle like this and see this. Keeprotating it, it will become like a bowl.Okay, the upper surface should not be toothick. See, it should be in such a waythat even when cooked from inside, the food will still have a crispytaste. Now take Sattu in it approx. You willfill about one and a half to two spoons of the filling. It isimportant that it rises well and look at it with your fingers. Youwill press a little inside, that is, you willset the filling and the edges of thedough will be slowly rotated andbrought upwards in this manner. 

Litti chokha

And I will rotate it,see my palm is rotating downwards, I will keep rotating it like thisand will seal the Littiand the extra flour that you are seeing on top,either remove it oryou can press it here also, it will be a very goodLitti Golgol. It has been prepared, after one or twotimes, you will be completely hands free, with greatpleasure you will make the third litti perfect, in thesame way make the second one, there is nohard work, you will make it very easily, there will befew cracks,no tension. Leave it like this, it will be very good,so see, I have prepared all the litter in this way.In today's time of hemp plucking, there is not enough time towork so hard, to be able to make things in village style,bring coal or some furnace for that.etc., then for that I amgoing to make it in a cooker. If you cook it in a home cooker,then just put the cooker on gas andreduce the flame to low medium. I amadding only one teaspoon of oil in it,because we add ghee. So the gheegets heated very quickly and because of thelitter, it starts getting cooked very quickly. Itdoesn't get cooked from inside. First,heat the cooker properly for some three-four minutes. Themost important thing to keep in mindis the lid of the cooker. This one, youremove the whistle on top of it and the rubber attached to it,gascap rubber and whistle, we do notneed both, similarly we will cover the lid andlet the cooker heat up, preheat it[music]and see that the cooker is slightly hot. Once this is done,just take the Litti at this stage andput the Litti in the cooker like this.See this,now put the lid on, close it andreduce the flame to low andlet it cook like this for about 56 minutes on low flame. See, fiveminutes have passed, slowly remove the lidand turn the litti with a spoon in such a waythat the litti getscooked perfectly from all sides. After this,put the lid on and let it cook for 5 more minutesand then again after 5 minutes.

Litti chokha

 We will turn it upside down sothat the Litti gets completely cookedinside, so while our Litti iscooking in the cooker, I will tell you anothermethod, that is air fryer oven or airfryer, whether you have it or OTG. Soyou can make it in that also very easily or you can make it in a localtandoor or even one that has gas.Well, yes, one important thing,here I had already pre-heated the air fryer at 200 °for about 10 minutes.So that our Latti can becooked perfectly in the air fryer, it becomes very good. We willlet it fry in the air fryer at 200° for about 10 minutes and thenopen it once in the middle and check. Meaning, youunderstand like this, in about 20 minutesour absolutely perfect Litti gets cooked andready in the air fryer and after about 18 minutes, let'scheck once more.Look at the Litti on the cooker, justturn it like this. Once thelitti gets cooked well from all sides, now put the lid back on,now you do not need to open the lid at all,keep the flame on low mediumand let it get cooked well, justsee what to do after a few minutes. Hold the cooker like thisand shake it, this will automaticallyrotate the Litti inside and dryup. It's about 22 to 25 minutes. Ishook the cooker once or twice,so let's check the Litti,see it is very wonderful. 

Litti chokha

And it is verygood, you can see what a wonderful color it has comeand the spots that have come on it, it seems as if it has beenmade in fire, this is a special thing andsee this, the same village desi desiSaudi fragrance has come in our litter. If thetop and bottom of your cooker or your flame isdifferent.Then if it is less cooked, thencook a little more and it is possible that someone might cooka little quickly, then check in between, sohow will you know that the litti isperfect? Let me zoom the camera and show it to you from inside.You can see that there arecracks in the Litti, thisis an indication that the Litti has dried perfectly, itis cooked well from inside,not raw at all.

Litti chokha

 Well, yes, check out the air fryerand see this,our absolutely delicious air fryer litti sucker is ready, theonly difference is that the air fryerlittis do not have those fiery spots on them,but they also fry very well.It isfrom inside and like this, take hot litti,ghee, I have taken this, dip it in ghee like this,I amtelling you the authentic desi way, how to serve it, it isabsolutely optional if you want ghee.If you areon a diet then don't dipit. You can serve it with chokha in the same waywithout applying ghee. Andsee this, I open the litti and show it to youhot. Look at this, it is very crispy, crispyfrom inside, full and perfectly roasted.

Litti chokha

In this way, when you serve it with Potato Brinjal Tomato Chokha, it will be so muchfun thatyou will not be able to stop yourself fromeating it all the time,everything is perfect,perfect, meaning if you have ever hadLitti Chokha before.If you have not eaten it or have not made it,then believe me once you try making it like this,everyone in your house will love it andwhen you eat it with Chokha like this, you will get lost in its taste.So friends, once you trymaking Litti Chokha Desi Wala in my way.You will get the taste in a very simple and easyway at home and that too withoutany hassle and without any hard work, the plate isplaced here, everyone is asking for it, so I amgoing to givethis litti and to my husband and child. Enjoy the funrecipe of Chokha, Garam Garam Litiya, Garam Garam Chokha, ColdSeason.

paneer chilli recipe |


paneer chilli

Hello guys welcome back to my channel Desi Kito today I have brought the recipe of Paneer Chilli so let's start making it. To make Paneer Chilli I have taken 250 grams of Paneer and we have cut onion in big slices, we have taken capsicum, we have finely chopped ginger and garlic so first of all we will cut Paneer in small pieces like this.

paneer chilli

 We will cut Paneer in small cubes once our Paneer is cut then we will add one teaspoon black pepper powder and half teaspoon red chilli powder and we will add some salt and mix it well and we will add two teaspoon cornflour and coat Paneer well and we will mix it with light hands. 

paneer chilli

Otherwise Paneer can also break so coat it carefully our Paneer is coated well with spices our oil in the pan is hot so we will fry the coated Paneer like this We will fry one by one. If we add all at once, the paneer will stick to each other.

paneer chilli

 So we have to fry it like this. We have to fry it properly by turning it. We should not make it too hard. Otherwise, the paneer will become very tight. We have to keep it a little soft. So our paneer is fried. Now we will take it out in a plate and take out the remaining oil. 

paneer chilli

We will save two spoons of oil and let it cool down a little. Now we will add finely chopped garlic and finely chopped ginger. We have to fry it for a few seconds only. We should not change its color much. We will mix it well. Now we will add finely chopped green chillies. We do not have to fry it too much.

paneer chilli

We just have to let it become a little soft. Now we will add capsicum and large chopped onion and mix it well. We have to keep the flame of the gas low. We will cook it till it becomes a little soft. There is no need to cook it much.

paneer chilli

The onion and capsicum have become slightly soft. Now we will add green chilli sauce to it. Now we will add red chilli sauce and one teaspoon dark soya sauce and one teaspoon vinegar and two teaspoons tomato sauce and one teaspoon black pepper powder and a little salt according to taste and mix everything well.

paneer chilli

Here I am making spicy paneer chilli. You can increase or decrease the amount of black pepper in it. Take one teaspoon cornflour and add some water and make a ball out of it. Now we will add it and add some water and mix it well.Now we will add fried paneer to it and mix it well. Mix it well. In this way, you must also try this recipe. 

paneer chilli

Very tasty paneer chilli will be ready without any Tam jamke see our paneer chilli is readyWe have fried it for two minutes and now we will turn off the gas flame and we will addfinely chopped coriander to itNow we will take it out in a plateHow did you like our recipeDo tell us in the comments.

paneer chilli

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Creamy White Sauce Pasta Recipe

White Sauce Pasta

you must have made pasta many timesbut today I am going to share a very authentic way with all the perfect measurementswith this recipe you will surely prepare perfect White Sauce Pastatake 2 cups Pasta of any shapeI am using Macaroni because kids love ittake water in a vesseladd some salt1/2 tsp Oillet it come to a boilmake sure you add. 

White Sauce Pasta

Pastaafter water starts boilingotherwise your pasta will turn very stickyboil for 6-7 minsit also depends on what type of Pasta you are usingMacaroni takes less time to boildo read the instructions provided on Pasta packetcook only till 90%, do not cook completelyIn technical term Al-Dentethis is perfectly cooked till 90%let me cut it to checkyou can see a slight white ring which means it is not 100% cookedturn off the flame. 

White Sauce Pasta

On this stageremove out some Pasta stockwe will use it laterstrain the water and immediately wash it under cold watertake 2 tsp oil in a panadd 1 tbsp finely chopped Garlicfryyou can adjust the garlic quantity as you likeadd 1 Onion finely choppedyou can also add spring onion if you likebut red onions are usually available.

White Sauce Pasta

So I am using itfry for a bit and don't turn it to golden brownnow we will add rest of the veggiessome chopped Carrotssome chopped capsicumI am using all three coloured bell peppers, you can use whichever is availablesome boiled cornsmix everything and cook for 2 minsdo not over cookveggies should be crunchybecause we are later going to cook .

White Sauce Pasta

them with white sauceafter 2 mins, add some Salt1/2 tsp black pepper powdermixyou can also add beans, chicken or mushroomskeep it aside, now we will make white saucetake 3 tbsp butter in a panonce butter is melted, add 3 tbsp all purpose flourtake same amount of flour as buttercook over low flamefor 3-4 minsmake sure you cook on low flame. 

White Sauce Pasta

flour should not get burntyou can add more butter if you find the need of itit is perfectly cooked, you can see some frothadd 2 cups Milk on room temperatureyou can even use chilled milkonce you add some milk, immediately start whisking itbecause it tends to get lumpythen only you will get smooth and creamy sauceadd rest of the milk and keep mixing with whiskerafter. 

White Sauce Pasta

That cook for 2-3 minsyou can see it's very smooth and of thick consistencythis is the perfect consistencysmooth, well cooked and not too thickadd some saltsome black pepper powder1 tsp mixed herbs seasoning1/2 - 1 tsp Red Chili Flakesmix everythingour basic white sauce is readynow we will add cheese1/2 cup cheese mix of mozzarella and processed cheese.

White Sauce Pasta

You can use any type of cheese you likeyou can use cheese cube, grated cheese, cheese slices or cheese spreadadd all the cooked veggiesadd boiled pastamix well for a minuteyou can adjust seasoning and salt at this stageyou can also adjust the consistency by adding some milkyou can see the perfectly coated pastacook for 1 more minutedo not overcookotherwise.

White Sauce Pasta

pasta will start breakingpasta is perfectly cookedwill not make it dryserve it piping hotyou can see how tempting it looksyou must try this recipeand let me know whether you liked it or notif you enjoyed the recipe.

White Sauce Pasta

Friday, 7 March 2025

Gulab Jamun recipi at home |

Gulab Jamun

The recipe of Gulab Jamun did not originate in India.This recipe was invented in Persia.During the era of the Mughals, the Mughals tasted it and they loved the dish!In India, a lot of fruits were called jamuns.Even today, a lot of round fruits are called jamun or jambrul.The use of rosewater and orange blossom water was popular in Persia.The sweets that are made up of fried dough became a part of the Indian cuisine through Persia.Indians loved gulab jamuns when the dish was introduced to them during the Mughal era.But the fact is,This fried sweetened dumpling is not yours.Whenever we wish to eat gulab jamuns,We either get an instant gulab jamun mix from the grocery storesOr we buy it from a sweet shop.You don't need to do any of it anymore.Because if you can cook it at your place with very little ingredients that are easily availableThen why do you even need gulab jamun mix?Fix this recipe in your mind.

Gulab Jamun

It has always been super helpful for me.First, add 9 parts of milk powder.Add 3 parts of all purpose flour into the milk powder.Add 1/4 part of semolina.Add baking soda.This is the mixture that you get in instant gulab jamun packets and you spend a lot of money on this.It's done already!9 parts of powdered milk,3 or 3/12 parts of whole purpose flour1/4 part of semolinaAnd some baking soda.

Gulab Jamun

If you're using 9 tablespoons of powdered milk,Use less than a teaspoon of baking soda.Add equal amounts of sugar and water to prepare the sugar syrup.Ensure that the sugar syrup isn't too viscous.Because if it's too viscous, it won't seep into the gulab jamuns.Add some green cardamom into it.Pour some milk into the prepared instant gulab jamun mix.

Gulab Jamun

Add some curd into it and prepare a soft dough out of it.Remember, milk powder will start releasing water as soon as you add curd or milk into it.Use less amount of water while kneading the dough.Very little.Dough and sugar syrup is ready!I've added some clarified butter into this.So if you're using 9 tablespoons of powdered milk,Add half a tablespoon or one teaspoon of clarified butter.Make small dough balls, don't make them too big.The dough should be softOr else, you'll end up cooking donuts.And then you'll say, "Ranveer, you didn't tell us."Ranveer told you to knead a soft dough.Pour some rosewater into the sugar syrup in the end.It'll enhance the flavour!Let's make a big stuffed gulab jamun.Let's make two!Add some gulkand and pistachios.

Gulab Jamun

Close it from the top.It's important to close it from all sides.Or else, it'll start tearing apart in the oil.So instead of cooking gulab jamunYou'll end up cooking something else.This is the long gulab jamun which is super popular in Lucknow.It's very important to make sure that the clarified butter is being heated on a low flame.Put the gulab jamuns into the clarified butter.Cook the gulab jamuns unhurriedly.Make sure that they don't break.They'll slowly start floating on the top.You can see they're slowly coming towards the surface.

Gulab Jamun

Keep stirring the gulab jamuns with the skimmer.Keep stirring them to make sure that they're evenly coloured.And..done!Add it into the sugar syrup, it shouldn't be boiling hot but it should be hot.Because if it isn't hot, it won't seep into gulab jamuns.The gulab jamuns are so light that they're floating on top of the sugar syrup.Eventually, they'll go down once the sugar syrup seeps into the balls.Oil is ready, let's fry the stuffed gulab jamuns as well.Gulab jamuns have started sinking to the bottom, this indicates that they have started absorbing the sugar syrup.

Gulab Jamun

Gulab jamuns are known as gulab jamuns because they looks like the fruit jamunAnd they smell like roses because they're soaked in rose water.It looks like a jamun and smells like a gulab (rose).Fun fact,Gulab jamun isn't just a sweet,It's a real jamun fruit which is as big as a golf ball.It's grown in West Indies.If you pluck it, it smells like roses and it's edible.You may get it in Bengal, it's sold as gulab jamun.You may get it at Haldia as well.When Indians migrated to West Indies for labour, they saw a rose scented jamun like fruit.That's why, it's called gulab jamun even in West Indies.Gulab jamun is the only dish which is a sweet and a fruit as well!And it's done.

Gulab Jamun

I told you,Silver leaf, pistachios and roses never fail in Indian desserts!Especially, in gulab jamuns.How will the dish be complete if I don't top it with rose petals?This beautifully decorated dish is for you,The stuffed gulab jamun is for me.The gulkand stuffing makes it irresistible!You don't even need to resist it, try it out!Cheers to Indian dessert!Cheers to cooking!And cheers to the joy and smile that gulab jamun brings every time.

Gulab Jamun

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Sabudana Khichdi Recipe |


Sabudana Khichdi

Hello! hello! hello! your presence and my taste has reunitedlike everyday!And today we are talking about fastingI usually don't fast but ill be there to have fasting food first!And i believe fasting foods are the tastiest.When sago khichdi is made during fasting,Its a double deal for me whether I'm fasting or not.To have fasting food and normal food!And if you are like me or you keep fasting,Come let's make sago khichdi.For making sago khichdi we needSagoOkay.

Sabudana Khichdi

It's simple and has no rocket science,We need to soak sago.For example, if you are taking 1 cup sagoSo take 1 1/2 cup - 1 3/4 cup water and throw the excess waterDo not soak much just like this!There are only few ingredients used in this dish,So we'll start with gingerAnd green chilli skip ginger if you don't eatAnd its very big confusion in fasting so I'm informing you prior.

Sabudana Khichdi

Please ask you mom what is to be eaten during fastAnd if you are making for a person who is fasting ask them too.It's vey big confusion some eat the things and some don't,You will make food with love and they don't eat certain things.All good things start with ghee"whether fasting or not, its all about ghee"Lets cut potatoes to save our time later!Take 2 medium size potato,And cut potato in med
ium size diced.Our paste is ready!In the same grinder add peanuts!Done.

Sabudana Khichdi
Add cumin seeds in gheeKeep everything handy!Cumin seedsGinger and green chili,Curry leavesBeautiful!Later add potatoes,PotatoSo here goes potatoesAnd peanutsalso called groundnutsIt has lots of names,Some people grind peanuts it in mixerI like it coarse and chunkyBecauseSago gets good texture when peanuts and is coarsely grindJuicy sago, crunchy peanuts so they combine very wellFasting saltAnd!Sago....Pinch of sugarVery less!Spiciness of green chilli is up to you!And close the lid.Keep the flame on low,Clean the kitchen and its done.

Sabudana Khichdi

That's it!Whether fasting or not, believe me the dish is amazing!Its the best for high tea snacks,I made this because my dads making teaDads tea and my sago khichdi!Sago is made of tapioca tree!Its made of roots of tapioca tree,Tapioca roots were brought in Kerala in late 1800sWhen there was a drought!And people did not get rice,Before this tapioca was used in Africa as a substitute of rice.

Sabudana Khichdi

And it grows in huge bunches,So the king of Kerala brought it to India,And they survived drought by tapioca tree.People say if there wouldn't be tapioca the impacts of drought would have been worse!Sago is made by grinding and straining the roots of tapioca.Not only tapioca but is also made from sago palm/ sago pearls,Sago palm is a type palm tree.

Sabudana Khichdi

It is also made by grinding stems of sago palm,So it is called sago palm.Sago pearls, tapioca pearls are made more in IndiaAnd in foreign countries its sago pearls.Okay!At this stage,Sprinkle 1 tsp waterAnd its done!Very good!Its a good example of, and it will make you feel proud!Okay!Because the sago is fluffed upCumin is cooked wellIn between you will taste potatoes, it will enhance the tasteAnd....Please get it checked by your fasting expertEither fresh coriander is been eaten in fast.

Sabudana Khichdi

My mom says sometimes its used and sometimes she denies,So I'm putting fresh coriander as I cannot resistAnd if you are fasting expert and you believe its not used then skip this.Okay!And here's our fresh corianderIf others are fasting and you don't then you can add some lime juice and eat.

Sabudana Khichdi

And if you too are fasting you can have it curd!Little bit of sour curd, add some sugar so the dish will its sour tastesAs of now we have prepared fasting sagoAnd I will get plate!Like i said if you are not fasting,Add fresh coriander and lemon wedge.Okay!Moral of story is you don't have to wait for fastingKeep fast yourself!And it happens only in India!Be it fasting or party, people love to eat.Isn't it!

Sabudana Khichdi

Litti chokha in Pressure Cooker |

  Perfect, see this, completely crispy and roasted from insideand when youeat Litti with Chokha like this, then everyone will gocrazy about ...