Hi friends welcome back to my kitchen so friends today I have brought for you a light and tasty breakfast recipe made with just one bowl of semolina which is very easy to make and this breakfast is very healthy and tasty to eat and everyone likes it so see this friends to make this breakfast I have taken one bowl of semolina so you can take any fine semolina so now we will put the semolina in a mixer jar because we will make batter with this semolina so friends I have put all the semolina in the mixer jar and as much as we took semolina friends we will take the same amount of water see this about one bowl and we will put it with the semolina so I have put all the water with the semolina so friends I have put one bowl of semolina and one bowl of water and also put two tablespoons of curd in it, definitely add some curd only then our breakfast will become fluffy It will be ready and we will add a little cooking oil in it, I have added about two teaspoons of oil, this will make our breakfast very soft and the batter which we will grind will be ready after grinding it smooth, so definitely add a little oil, friends add whatever oil you eat, now I have put the lid on the mixer and we will make a very smooth and smooth paste by grinding it, so see this friends I have ground the semolina very finely, you can see, make a very fine and smooth paste by grinding it, now we will take out this batter in a bowl, so friends I have added all the batter in the bowl, so now we will add the rest of the things in it, first we will add all the batter properly in the bowl so that our batter is not wasted at all, see friends clean the mixer jar in this way, I have taken out all the batter friends now we will add the rest of the things in it So first of all we will add half a teaspoon of raw cumin seeds and half a teaspoon of powdered sugar in it, this will make our breakfast taste very good like bread, it will taste exactly like bread,
So now we will add salt to it according to taste, so friends,
I have added half a teaspoon of salt as well, whenever you make this breakfast,
do add a little sugar, so now we will mix all these things well, adding sugar
to the batter gives a very good taste to this breakfast and our breakfast
becomes very shiny, friends, this breakfast which will be ready will be very
soft and shiny, it will become very shiny by adding sugar, so do add a little
sugar, whenever you make this breakfast, see this, I have mixed everything well
with the batter, friends, so now we will add a little baking soda in it, due to
which our breakfast will become fluffy just like bread, so see this friends, I
took just a little I have added baking soda about a quarter teaspoon and did
not add more at all and if you want, you can add a little fruit salt instead of
baking soda, do whatever you like, so I have added baking soda a little more
and will mix the soda well with the batter, by adding soda our breakfast will
cook very quickly and will be ready after becoming very soft and latticed and
will taste exactly like bread,
So see friends, after adding soda I have mixed the soda well
with the batter, now this batter is absolutely Friends, it is ready to make
breakfast. Now we will take out this batter in the vessel in which we will make
this breakfast. So friends, I am making this breakfast in a plate and if you
want, you can make it in a cake tin or in a bowl. You can make this breakfast
easily in any vessel. So now we will grease this plate a little so that after
cooking the breakfast, the easy one does not break at all. See, friends, we
have to apply grease till the top of the plate. Friends, you can see that I
have greased the entire plate well. And now we will add the batter inside this
plate. So friends, we will add all the batter directly in the center. It will
spread well on its own. See, friends,
I have poured all the batter in the plate. The batter has
spread very well. See, friends, I have cleaned all the batter and then cleaned
it. We have taken it and put it inside the plate and now what we will do is we
will tap it a little so that whatever air bubble is inside it also comes out
and our breakfast is ready after being prepared properly, so tap it lightly
like this, now this breakfast is completely ready friends, for cooking, let's
take it to the gas and start its cooking, so see friends, to cook the
breakfast, I have heated a glass of water in the pan and our water has become
hot, now I have kept a ring like this inside the water, if you do not have such
a ring then you can keep any bowl etc. and on top of it we will keep this plate
with batter and now we will add a little red chilli powder on this batter so
that our breakfast becomes a little spicy, see friends, we have to add a little
red chilli powder and if you want, add chaat masala Or you can add Maggi
masala, whatever flavour you like, sprinkle it lightly on it, this will make
our breakfast even more tasty So I have sprinkled a little red chilli powder on
the whole breakfast, friends, and if you want, you can also add black pepper
instead of red chilli and now we will add a little salt on it so that our
breakfast tastes spicy, see friends,
I have also added a little salt, after adding both these
things, now we will cover it, cover it properly so that its steam does not come
out at all and our breakfast gets cooked and ready quickly, so I have covered
it, I will make the flame of the gas medium, cook it on medium flame for about
10 minutes, so friends, it has been about 10 minutes since our breakfast
started cooking, so I have cooked it on medium flame, so now we will open it,
see friends, you can see how well our breakfast has puffed up, when it puffs up
like this, then understand that our breakfast is cooked and ready, so now I
have turned off the gas flame Friends, what will we do now? We will take out
this plate from the pan and first we will let this snack cool down and only
then take out this snack from the plate. We should not take it out hot,
friends, otherwise our snack will not come out whole. So see,
I am showing you closely how well it has puffed up. So first
we will let it cool down for a while. Later, we will take out this snack from
the plate. So friends, I have let this snack cool down for a while,e and it has
cooled down, so now we will be able to take it out easily. It will not break at
all, you can see. So now what will we do is that we will separate its edges by
doing this so that it does not break at all. While taking it out, see friends,
separate its edges slowly like this and after separating the edges like this,
now we will turn it upside down in the plate. So, I have taken a plate,
friends, in which we will turn it upside down like this. We will keep it upside
down. We will tap it lightly so that it leaves the vessel. See friends, our
breakfast has come out whole, it has not broken at all and you can see how
fluffy and net-like it has become. So now what we will do is cut this breakfast
in the desired shape. See friends, I am showing you closely that our breakfast
has become fluffy just like bread. So now we will cut it in the desired shape.
So friends,
I am cutting this breakfast with a pizza cutter and cutting
it into slices just like a pizza. Cut it out in the slices in the design you
like and if you want, you can also cut it with a knife. It is very soft and can
be cut easily. See friends, this is how I am cutting it into slices, just like
a pizza. Friends, if you want, you can serve this breakfast like this, but I
would like to cut it a little. Due to which our breakfast will become slightly
crispy and will taste even more tasty. So first cut it in the desired shape
like this and then put a little oil on the pan and lightly fry it. By turning
it over, the taste of the breakfast increases even more. So see this friends, I
have cut all the breakfast into slices like pizza and now I am showing you by
picking up a piece, you can see how yummy our breakfast is and see how puffed
it is, just like bread. So now let us fry this lightly. So let us take it to
the gas. So see this friends, to fry this breakfast, I have placed a pan on the
gas. I have turned on the flame, put about two spoons of oil on the pan and
spread the oil nicely on the entire pan. We don't need much oil at all to cook
this breakfast, friends, our breakfast will cook very well with just two spoons
of oil.
So I have spread the oil nicely on the entire pan and now we
will add this breakfast on it. See friends, in this way we will put all the
breakfast on the pan and we will cook this breakfast on both sides by turning
it slightly. If you like soft breakfast then you can serve this breakfast like
this. See, I have put all the oil on the pan and after a while we will turn it,
so we will cook this breakfast in this way by pressing it lightly so that it
gets cooked well. Friends, it will take only two to three minutes to cook this
breakfast, it will be ready very quickly. If it is done, then roast it with a
little bit of pressing so that our breakfast is ready properly. So friends,
while pressing in this way, I have roasted it on medium flame for about one to
two minutes on one side. Now we will turn it over and roast it on the other
side as well. See friends, how well it is cooked. Just roast it lightly. You
can see how nice colour it has got in just one to two minutes. So, we will
roast it on the other side for just one to two minutes. See friends, our
breakfast is cooked very well. So let the colour on the other side come to the
same extent. Roast it for more time while pressing lightly so that the coins
are ready quickly and are cooked properly. So, in this way, lightly press it on
top. So friends, after turning it over,
I have roasted it on the other side for one to two minutes as
well. Press lightly and very well on both sides. This breakfast is ready, you
can hear its sound, this breakfast has become a little crispy, so now I am
turning it and showing you how well it has been cooked, see this on the other
side too friends, now we will take out this breakfast in the plate because it
is ready, it took only three to four minutes to cook, friends, it has been
cooked very quickly and our breakfast is very yummy and such a good aroma is
coming from it that you feel like eating it as soon as you see it, so we will
quickly take out the whole breakfast in the plate and we will serve this
breakfast hot, so see friends, I have taken out the whole breakfast and you can
see how yummy and how beautiful our breakfast is, so now we will serve this
breakfast hot, so let's go to the process of serving it, so here you go
friends, light and tasty breakfast made with just half a bowl of semolina It is
ready to eat which is very beautiful to look at. See friends how beautiful and
yummy our breakfast is and how netted it is. You can see that as beautiful it
is to look at, it is equally tasty and wonderful to eat and how soft it is from
inside. I am breaking it and showing it to you. See friends, this breakfast is
as soft as cotton and is so tasty to eat that everyone likes it. So friends, I
wish you could also enjoy this breakfast with me, but no problem, you must also
make this easy and tasty breakfast made from semolina in your home and eat it
with pleasure.
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