So let's start today's recipe to
make gravy veg Manchurian. I have already chopped the vegetables here. So I
have taken one cup of carrot here. Along with it, I have added half or one and
a quarter capsicum and some green onion. If you want carrot and capsicum in
this Manchurian recipe, then you can use only carrot and green onion. So first
of all, what we will do is that we will take a mixing bowl and add carrot and
green onion in it. When you add salt in onion and green onion, then the pulp is
released, that is, water comes out of it. So, for this reason, first we added
salt to it. We will leave it for five minutes and after that we will remove its
water by scraping it.
After that, we will make Manchurian. So, five
minutes have passed here. Look, the vegetables are looking a little clear. So,
now we will squeeze it in the fist in such a way that you want to make this
Manchurian. So, after adding salt to the vegetable, Leave it for 5 minutes and
after that use it and take it out. What will happen with this is that your
starch will remain intact, otherwise if water is released from it, then you
will have to use more flour for the pending dough.
So what will happen with this, the
Manchurian balls will come in more quantity in the week, so here I have taken
out the spinach and onion also, see, now we will go to the process of making
Manchurian and with this water you knead the dough or do this again or else
what will we do then we will fry another one and add all these vegetables in
it. After this we will add one fourth cup of cornflour in it and add a little
less flour to it.
If you want, you can also add a
little rice flour in it, it will make the Manchurian balls a little crispy. One
fourth teaspoon black pepper powder, half teaspoon red chili powder and salt according
to taste, so here I will add half teaspoon I am adding salt because we had
added salt earlier also. Mix all these. I do not have to use water to mix it
because it will be prepared well with the water that is used in vegetables. If
the mixture is not forming properly then you can add some flour or contrast
powder. So now we move on to the process of making it.
I have coated my hands with a little oil so
that it does not stick to your hands. And after that, taking little by little
mixture, we will make balls. As big as the Manchurian balls you want, you will
shape them. See, in this way, we will make all the Manchurian balls and after
that, we will fry them immediately. Keep in mind that after making the
Manchurian balls, fry them immediately. Otherwise, keep them in the fridge.
If you do not want to do it
immediately, here I have made all the Manchurian balls. Now we move on to the
process of frying them. To do this, I have already heated oil. The temperature
of the oil was kept for heating, it should be medium, we will not use high
flame otherwise it will become brown from the top and will remain raw from the
inside. So keep the flame of the gas medium here and after this we will fry it
on medium flame till it becomes golden brown.
So this is your first batch of
Manchurian which has been fried. In the same way we will fry the rest of the
Manchurian. So here we have fried the Manchurian balls. Now we move on to the
final process. Heat two to three spoons of oil in a pan and as soon as the oil
gets hot we will put all these vegetables in it. For two inches of ginger we
have taken 2 green chillies, one big onion, green capsicum, red capsicum and
two tablespoons of finely chopped garlic. Garlic is used a lot in Manchurian.
So as soon as the oil gets hot you can put all
these three in it, ginger, garlic and green chillies and we will cook it for 10
minutes. Cooked garlic, ginger More consumption of capsicum is good in this.
Now we will put all these vegetables together. Colourful capsicum looks good in
this, so I have used it, but if you do not have it, then you can use only green
capsicum. We have to fry the vegetables on high flame for one minute. We do not
have to cook them too much.
The current in the vegetables
should remain. So here we have lightly fried the vegetables. Now we will reduce
the flame of the gas and after that add all the sauces. So add one big spoon of
red chilli sauce. We will add one big spoon of green chilli sauce in it. After
this, we will add 1 big spoon of tomato ketchup. Here, after tomato ketchup, we
will add it, if not a little, then half a teaspoon of vinegar. 1 tablespoon. I
am using commercial soya sauce here. Then we will add a little black pepper
powder, half a teaspoon of red chilli powder and salt according to taste.
That there is salt in it all, plus
salt has been added to the Manchurian as well, so the salt is there, you have
to reduce it later, test it before turning off the gas and then check it, so
here we have mixed all of it, now we will take two tablespoons of corn and mix
water in it and make a solution, so see, there should not be lumps in it, which
will make its gravy, so here I have made a ball and kept it, now what we will
do is not to add the whole flour, add it little by little because we have to
make the thickness of the gravy according to the requirement, so after adding
I have added about one cup of water
here and after this I mixed it like this, so if we are making gravy with
Manchurian, then you If you use more water then I have added the remaining
light water and will mix it like this. Now we will wait for it to boil. As it
boils it will start thickening. One special thing about light water is that it
is prepared in the right way. So if your gravy thickens then you add some water
to it and add some control batter. As it boils its color will become like
flour. See if you want more gravy then you can add some more water.
If not then add this Manchurian ball here. So
here we are making Manchurian with gravy. So here we will add as much gravy as
we want. If you want to make dry Manchurian then add one spoon of doctor's
batter and add less water. After adding Manchurian balls we will cook it till
it boils and then serve it immediately. So this is our super dish. AC Manchurian
is ready