
Showing posts with label kurkure momos Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kurkure momos Recipes. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025

Crispy Kurkure Momos


Kurkure Momos

I've been misguided a lot! I often feel like I've become old. Someone told me, "Chef! Let's make crispy momos today!"I got super excited because it sounded like a very new recipe! Then I realized that it has been trending since 2019! I'm walking 3 years behind! Welcome! I am Ranveer Brar, and let's catch up with the fast pace of life by cooking an amazing recipe. I really liked the recipe. I'll make it in my way! Okay? Let's cook crispy momos! According to basic food science, A momo consists of a filling, A coating, and a dip. Then you can steam it or fry it or tandoor You can do anything you want! Basically, that's the trick! It has a filling and a coating.

Kurkure Momos

 It consists of a crispy coating as well, along with a dip! We'll cook an interesting cheesy momo dip! I'm stepping up my game! I've become trending as well! Let's start by making a dough. For the dough, use refined flour. Use 4 cups of refined flour and 1 cup of whole wheat flour. Okay? Vinegar is acidic in nature. Its acidic nature reacts with the proteins and makes the dough more flexible. Dough becomes flexible because of a protein named gluten.


Kurkure Momos

That's why, whenever you want the dough to be flexible, add some sourness to it. The dough should be super soft dough should neither be too tight nor too loose. If you make it too loose, then the dough will start flowing after you let it rest. Keep kneading it slowly. Once the dough is kneaded well, the flour will start doing its work. I will make all of you do this work! Cooking is not tedious work. Once you knead the dough, place it on a wooden surface.

Kurkure Momos

 Pull it a little to make it more flexible. Beautiful!Alright? It is very important to let the dough rest for a while. The starches present in the dough will take some time to get hydrolyzed. The hydrolyzation of the starches will give smoothness to the dough, and gradually, the gluten will start developing after some time. Water and time are the factors that will make the dough flexible! If you don't want to finely chop the ingredients, you can simple grate them; you can use your mini tornado! The one which has a rubber band attached to it.


Kurkure Momos

The one where you pull the string, and the blades start moving! You can use that mini-tornado! But you simply just can't escape cutting and chopping! You can use a mixer grinder, grater, or anything you want. feel like I'm cooking momos for the entire neighborhood! The relationship between carrots and I is somewhat like this! I need to munch on it! Now, these vegetables will start losing. That's why...Take a chill pill! Leave it aside after adding some salt to it. We can later wring out its water. You can add chopped green onions as well. You can use baby corn or regular American corn as well. You can use boiled potatoes as well! Potatoes taste amazing as momo fillings! Potatoes, boiled and chopped spinach- you can add that too! Okay? You can add cheese to your veg momos, especially if you're adding corn kernels. You can combine cheese with corn kernels. You can use boiled and chopped mushrooms as well! But make sure that you boil the mushrooms because if you add raw mushrooms, then they will start losing a lot of water, and you won't be able to handle it.


Kurkure Momos

You can use grated eggs, too. You can use raw minced chicken, chopped fish fillets, or prawns. I told you everything. Now you can't say, "Ranveer, you did not tell us!"I'm waiting for it to start losing water. As soon as that happens, we can immediately wring out the vegetables. We won't completely wring out its water till the vegetables are parched dry. But it is important to remove its water because paneer has high water content as well; it may become too watery and start spluttering. That is something that we don't want. Especially when we are trying to fry something has higher chances of tearing apart while you are frying them. That's why it will be easier for you if you wring out most of the water. I have told you everything and there is nothing left to tell you! I had started a trend for ice cube momos as well! I'm not that bad! Ice Cube Momos! If you haven't watched it, do watch it! It had become trending on YouTube!That video has a million views! Cook momos in an ice cube tray! Steam all of them together and savor them! Make 20 momos in just one go! The thing is that I feel super bored to shape my food's why, I often cook recipes that don't have a particular shape! Just like this recipe1. You don't need to worry about the shape for this recipe! You simply have to mould a round! That's the basic thing! If someone tells you that it isn't authentic, then I'll get mad.


Kurkure Momos

How can crispy momos be authentic? I've heard its name for the first time! So if this recipe isn't authentic, So let me give it a unique twist by adding some mayonnaise into it! You can add some cheese as well! But paneer will be sufficient as well! Mayonnaise will add richness to the dish because it is oily, right? Mayonnaise and paneer will give it richness! And vegetables will give it a unique mouthfeel! And the Schezwan will give it a nice kick! Every ingredient is doing its work! I'm just mixing it well so that all the flavours are infused properly! You're still here, right? I don't want to complicate your life any further! I just want to make it more simple! It's not my age to show off my culinary skills! That's why I want to build a good friendship with you!Beautiful!Here you go! Our filling is ready! Isn't everything clear up to this point? (Singing)In the end, I'll add some coriander into it for some freshness. If you're greedy and use more coriander, then it is a good thing! Even if greed is immoral in real life, when it comes to coriander, it's good!

Kurkure Momos

 Let's bring our dough! Here is our dough! Remember we left it aside to let it rest? Look at the difference! It has become first class! Let's make momos out of this dough! You can cook it in 2 ways, First, you can make small dough balls out of this and then make momos out of them! Or you can simply roll a huge sheet and cut it into small circles with a small bowl. You can do whatever you want! Okay?Simple? Easy? No rocket science? Sprinkle some dry flour on top and start rolling the dough balls. Ideally, the rolling pin of a momo is not the same as a belan, but belans are easily available in every Indian household, and I don't want to show off my utensils here! That's why I'll simply use a regular rolling pin. The rolling pin for momos is difficult to handle as it is a long, thin stick. The dough has become super flexible because of the vinegar and because of resting. Beautiful! If you're super bored, you can simply roll a very big sheet of paper and then cut small circles into it with a small bowl. Do this if you're bored. But if you're not, then keep following the other method! Don't worry if the circles are not perfect because we can shape them later as well, right? Keep going!Do not give up! I'm giving you motivation, and I'm motivating myself as well! Keep going! That's it.


Kurkure Momos

Shape it and get rid of the extra dough on the top. You can use scissors as well. You don't always have to use your hands like Ranveer! Just like this..You don't need fancy scissors; you can use regular ones as well. Here you go! I've simplified it even more for you! Simple? Easy? No rocket science? I have given you the simplest formula! The Momo coating is super thin. You can make this with a shortcut as well. I have made a slurry with water and wheat flour. I'm going to add a generous amount of red chili powder, okay? And...A little bit of garam masala.It should be crispy and lip-smacking as well, right? Perfect! I've prepared a spicy slurry! Oh! I did not add salt! Here goes salt..Add a few drops of vinegar along with some salt. Now the batter has become lip-smacking as well! Am I right? It should be tasty from all aspects! It's done! Alright? Now take some cornflakes! You can grind it in a mixer or simply use your hands like I am! You can do whatever you want! You're not supposed to powder it; simply crush it. A nd you can't give me excuses like, "Ranveer, we do not have cornflak

Kurkure Momos

es, so we won't make this recipe!"You can use poha (flattened rice), or you can use bread crumps. You can use dal moth as well. Grind it in a mixer grinder. You can't give me any more excuses! Let's add some flavour to this as well! Now dip the momo in the prepared slurry, then cover it with crumps like this. S imple? Easy? No rocket science? Then, keep these momos aside. That's it! This is the monopoly of the dish! Keep making these bombs, and then keep frying them! Simple? Easy? Now, I won't accept any of your excuses! I can't simplify your life more than this! Here is bomb no.3

Kurkure Momos


Here you go! Here is bomb no. 4! And if you think it is not enough, you can apply a second layer as well! You don't have to give it a particular shape. You don't need to be skeptical about whether you can cook it or not. It's an easy-peasy recipe! Or, like Ishaan says, "Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!"That's it! I'm going to make an amazing dip! Chop green chillies, Coriander, Onions, Cheese, and mayonnaise. If you're going to fry your momos till they are crispy, then you should savor them with a dip! We're done making the chutney as well! This is the chutney for fried momos! It is important to leave it aside after coating it with crumps. The cornflakes will start sticking to the momos; that's why it is important to leave it aside for 5 minutes. First, it will hold on to its shape, and it will enhance its texture as well! Let's start with the plating. They look super crispy! Then top it with our dearest friend,d coriander! Welcome! I am Ranveer Brar, and for the first time in 3 years, I'm going to try out this trend my way! Squeeze some lemon. It's super crispy! And its monopoly is that...It is the texture of its inner filling! I need to sell this in YouTube style as well! I'll bring it closer to the mic and do this!Look!You won't find momos that are crispier than these! Basically, don't wait for 3 years like me! It's an amazing recipe, so go for it! And the best part is that it looks sparkly because of the white spots of poha!This is its monopoly! Go tell the world that it's your signature! But do subscribe to the channel! My subscribers are declining! I've been told that the subscription is going slow! Take care of it! English

Kurkure Momos

Litti chokha in Pressure Cooker |

  Perfect, see this, completely crispy and roasted from insideand when youeat Litti with Chokha like this, then everyone will gocrazy about ...