Hello guys welcome back to my channel Desi Kito today I have brought the recipe of Paneer Chilli so let's start making it. To make Paneer Chilli I have taken 250 grams of Paneer and we have cut onion in big slices, we have taken capsicum, we have finely chopped ginger and garlic so first of all we will cut Paneer in small pieces like this.
We will cut Paneer in small cubes once our Paneer is cut then we will add one teaspoon black pepper powder and half teaspoon red chilli powder and we will add some salt and mix it well and we will add two teaspoon cornflour and coat Paneer well and we will mix it with light hands.
So we have to fry it like this. We have to fry it properly by turning it. We should not make it too hard. Otherwise, the paneer will become very tight. We have to keep it a little soft. So our paneer is fried. Now we will take it out in a plate and take out the remaining oil.
We will save two spoons of oil and let it cool down a little. Now we will add finely chopped garlic and finely chopped ginger. We have to fry it for a few seconds only. We should not change its color much. We will mix it well. Now we will add finely chopped green chillies. We do not have to fry it too much.
The onion and capsicum have become slightly soft. Now we will add green chilli sauce to it. Now we will add red chilli sauce and one teaspoon dark soya sauce and one teaspoon vinegar and two teaspoons tomato sauce and one teaspoon black pepper powder and a little salt according to taste and mix everything well.
Here I am making spicy paneer chilli. You can increase or decrease the amount of black pepper in it. Take one teaspoon cornflour and add some water and make a ball out of it. Now we will add it and add some water and mix it well.Now we will add fried paneer to it and mix it well. Mix it well. In this way, you must also try this recipe.
Very tasty paneer chilli will be ready
without any Tam jamke see our paneer chilli is readyWe have fried it for two
minutes and now we will turn off the gas flame and we will addfinely chopped
coriander to itNow we will take it out in a plateHow did you like our recipeDo
tell us in the comments.